Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Things to do until approved by SourceForge

  • Now:
    • Integrate TinyMCE as a WYSIWYG editor with near-continuous updates.
    • Evaluate Selenium (perhaps driven by Python) as a testing framework.
  • Later:
    • Other Panel UI improvements
      • Color-picking
      • Snap-on-drag (by 5 or 10 pixels)
      • Resizing-handles, also snapping
      • Display handles and menu-widget on mouseover
    • Understand how the network arcchitecture works
    • Evaluate Pythonic database drivers (preferably with sqlite support)?

Speaking of the network architecture, it has some silly behavior: when the user loads a new page, the Javascript polling system fetches the page's contents -- they don't come with the original page, so people need to wait longer to read anything and users with broken AJAX can't even see what they can't edit.

So I want to move the original DOM assembling to the webserver, and examine how data is moving around to discover other silly behaviors.

I'm also going to examine the Javascript libraries currently in use -- some of the nice bits of my HCI2 project came for free with Scriptaculous (which depends on Prototype)


Spotty WiFi reception has prompted me to investigate distribution methods early, so here are some relevant links:
  • Python's own Distutils
  • py2exe will bundle a Python script and any required libraries into a single EXE file -- hopefully it runs faster than rubyscript2exe; if so, it could be immediately useful for times when I just want to test things without modifying the source.
  • A 4-year-old email on python-list, discussing the above.
I just noticed something odd with Firefox's DOM Inspector -- the Panels' node types are "UNDEFINED", and more are being added to the DOM constantly. Whatever is going on, it should probably be fixed.


At 5:14 PM, Blogger jonschull said...

you should look at john resigs jquery
see ejohn.org/blog

At 8:16 AM, Blogger jonschull said...

considerMessage wasn't vestigial

it was a pre-adaptation: this is where I planned to allow the server to inject arbitrary javascript for immediate evaluation by the browser.....


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