Friday, June 09, 2006

Week 1 wrap-up

Today, I started to get our old host back to normal after an OS reinstallation:
  • Installed XCode 2.3, from the Apple Developer Site
  • Installed DarwinPorts
    • Installed Python24, screen and coreutils (I much prefer GNU ls over the BSD version).
  • Installed Subversion 1.3.2 (with Martin Ott's OS X installer), SubEthaEdit (pus the command-line tool) and Bwana.
  • Insalled Camino and Firefox.
    • Firefox extensions: Web Developer Toolbar and FireBug.
I also have TinyMCE working in a sandbox; since we decided that we don't really need concurrent editors, I don't need to worry about the associated bugs. Instead, I will look into creating a new TinyMCE theme, which attaches the tool-bar to the top of the panel being edited. The editor would work in-place, and only run on a single panel at once.

I actually have some misgivings about that:
  • What about when someone else moves a panel? We don't want the editor to go flying across the screen unexpectedly.
  • Right now, if two people edit the same panel, one of them is wasting his time. It would be really nice if we attempted to merge changes that don't affect the same paragraph.
I also submitted the co-op paperwork today, and should be on a regular 10-6 schedule starting Monday. In my off-moments of work, this weekend and beyond, I will clean up the Javascript code (with yesterday's Lint tools), run PyLint on the Python sources and continue to forgure out how it all works together.


At 7:30 PM, Blogger jonschull said...

# What about when someone else moves a panel? We don't want the editor to go flying across the screen unexpectedly.

Ah, my stipulation is one per browser, but the note I am editing on my browser is not the note you are editing.

And we do need to address the case in which two people do try to edit the same note at the same time.

At 7:38 PM, Blogger jonschull said...

We need to re-review the state of the art, positioning what we have in the context of current approaches/buzzwords (such as comet, etc.) Here are some recent straws in the wind....

At 12:54 AM, Blogger Ed Brannin said...


While I think I found all the articles you sent, Google Reader links don't point to the actual post being viewed. SynchroEdit looks interesting; the links from Wikipedia's Collaborative Editor article should also be illuminating.

Also, what do you mean by "the note I am editing on my browser is not the note you are editing"? I was talking about editing the a note while someone else decides that note should go at the bottom of the page.


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