Tuesday, June 20, 2006

TinyMCE rolled in!

Yesterday, I finally finished rolling TinyMCE support into the main trunk of development - check it out!

To edit a panel, double-click on it; TinyMCE will appear in a new panel, right over the one you clicked on. to stop editing, double-click anywhere outside the editor.

There are still a few minor problems with this setup:
  • Double-clicking elsewhere (like selecting a word from the toolbar's Javascript interpreter) can accidentally close the editor.
    • Short of choosing a new way to close editors, I don't know if there's a way around this.
  • Drag-drop is a little flaky, and we're not sure why.
    • It would be nice to monitor all Javascript events somehow, so we could figure out what's going on.
  • Text in the editor is significantly smaller than text outside.
    • This is annoying enough to warrant a fix, but we haven't looked into how yet.
  • We can't use [[brackets]] to make iframes anymore.
    • An enhancement for that is on the backburner. Let me know if it should go to the frontburner.
Other news:
  • allscripts.js is now optional, and disabled by default.
    • It should be enabled (by default?) for production servers, but it's a lot easier to debug without it -- which brings us to...
  • One of the first changes I ever made to TwoWayWeb is the addition of Launch2way.py.
    • This script handles command-line arguments for 2way.py; currently, the only argument it takes is -p, which enables profiling for 2way and writes the results to a file in the stats/ directory.
    • As of revision 523, Launch2way.py unpacks CherryPy 2.2 from the vendor/ directory and installs it to "cherrypy", so 2way.py can access CherryPy without affecting the rest of a server.
    • I would like this or something similar to become the preferred starting-point for 2way.py, so we can deal with command-line arguments and one-time setup apart from the server iteslf.
    • As I hinted above, there should also be a switch to enable or disable the allscripts.js "Glob o' JavaScript".
  • Trac is choking on some revision links. I think this is because I told it our repository is "svn-repository/2way", when I really just want it to ignore the other top-level directories in subversion. I'm not sure how to best fix this.
  • We've started organizing our repository more: after breaking the main branch once, we started using other branches for experiments.
  • I've started graphing the dependencies between each function in our Javascripts. More on that later.
  • Finally, we want to prevent visits to nonexistant pages from creating the pages.
    • Wikis generally say "This doesn't exist yet. do you want to create it?"
      • If we went that route, we could also suggest probable typos.
    • Apparently, earlier versions didn't store anything in the database unless a page was changed.
(This blogpost applies to revision #555.)


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