Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Since last week: Color-picking, new templates, various improvements

Today, I tried writing an outline of this post in OmniOutliner 3.6 professional, with links to Trac Changesets in its "notes" -- unfortunately, it was difficult to export it to a format suitable for Blogger; the best I could do was export to RTF, then export that to HTML, and remove all the newlines with gvim; the result was still not worth posting.

Without further ado, here's the changes:
  • Color-picking!
    • While it's not in any of the useful templates yet, we have a working color-picker, based on LP Dalton's widget.
  • New Templates
    • Jon has been re-creating his textarea-base editor under the new template system; you can test-drive it here (though the link will eventually break when he picks a better name than "barebonesEdDrag").
  • SVN Branching Scheme
    • New development branches in SVN will be named after their creation date, folowed by a short description of what's new; the first such branch is called 20060627-templates.
  • Numerous bug-fixes
    • Clients are less likely to step on each others' toes, TinyMCE interferes less with dragdrop, and many other things are generally smoother than they used to be.
  • It's easier to make new functions
    • With the addition of utlility-functions like "get_element_from_argument" and "find_twoway_parent", it's easy to make robust UI functions.
      • A combination "get_twoway_element_from_argument()" is on the way.
    • TwoWay elements are now marked with the "twoway" attribute, such as <div id="'A'" twoway="'watched'"></div>. This makes it easier to know which elements are important, and is a good platform for other twoway-related metadata.
    • To ask the server to keep track of an element, all you need to do is make sure that element has an ID, and pass it to watch().
      • In the future, watch() will be able to attach an ID to elements that don't have one.
  • Documentation!
    • We've been working on a Tutorial section on TwoWayWeb, but it's not on a public server yet; this will likely lead to the ability to copy pages from one server to another with minimal fuss.
    • I think it would be really neat to add a few lines to a TiddlyWiki and make it TwoWay-capable. More on that idea later.
  • Selenium-based testing is on the way
    • I've added Selenium and a couple basic tests to see hw easily I can drive our application; more will follow, I hope.
    • The main problem with Selenium right now is that it can't easily deal with TinyMCE, Drag-dropping or precise clicking. Maybe someone will fix this while we wait; maybe I'll fix it in my off-time. However, it's great for most other UI features.


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