Changes since last Thursday
This covers revisions 635 - 701.
Various Improvements to templates:
- ltwt.html - copied from barebonesEdDrag.html, ** later diverged **
- TicTacToe, tictac2 -- TicTac2 demonstrates a problem with o2e()
- tic.html -- super-useful debug template! Click to change element, LOGGING enabled by default.
- Simplified clone(), edit(), hide()...
- ...touch(), untouch()
- Added get_twoway_element_from_argument();
- Better error-announcing from template-hooks
- Auto-discovery of elements with TwoWay attribute set
- watch()ing an element without an ID will auto-generate an ID for it.
- Replaced subO() with a non-broken, cleaner get_filtered_object()
- Propagating onclick(), ondblclick() event handlers with pack_eventS(), unpack_events()
- LOGGING is more verbose (myRandomNumber, current time)
- Code-cleanup, particularly for huge functions
- TODO: Remove vestigial payload=$payload from templates, remove payload-processing from bootStrap(), veryify no-breakage
- 2wayUI: Snapping to grid, by 5 pixels
Python stuff:
- We split up's default() into smaller functions
- Minor code-cleanup -- comments, spacing and the like.
- Saving snapshots of pages as templates(!!!)
- Template-specific panels are stored in templates/
- When a page is first saved, we copy all elements form the template to the new page.
- interp() is more robust and doctested. - we don't need to use $$ for non-variables anymore.
- saver is more robust -- returns '{}' when we ask for a nonexistant file.
- Some attempts at a rigt-click menu
- STILL cleaning up inconsistent newlines; SubEthaEdit 2.5 is very helpful.
- Added doubleclick support (TODO: Note where I found that code!)
- We realized that referring to elements by ID is much more stable than storing references to Element objects (they can get stale after ticks)